Welcome Assoc. Prof. Vincent Lee, Monash University, Australia to be the TPC Chair!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Vincent Lee, Monash University, Australia to be the TPC Chair!

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Vincent Lee, Monash University, Australia to be the TPC Chair!

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Assoc. Prof. Vincent Lee, Monash University, Australia

Dr Lee is the sole recipient of Monash University, Dean of IT, 2016 excellence Award for Higher Degree supervision. Currently he is the principal supervisor of 7 PhDs in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, ICU patient vital sign health monitoring, extrem learning system for Thyroid cancer patient diagnostic and treatment quality; and cosupervisors for 6 PhDs in deep learning for health modelling of smart infrastructure transport network, multiparty computation using cryptography techniques, and educational data mining research.  Lee has 35 (13 years with MNC and public sector establishments in Singapore, and 22 years with four universities in Australia and Singapore) years of experience in applied and fundamental research, business enterprise system development, engineering and ICT system integration, and university teaching. Lee is a Fellow Institute of Engineers, Australia (Fellow, IEAust); CPEng (ITEE), he is also a registered professional electrical engineer in Singapore; Licensed Electrical Engineer (High voltage 22KV switching authorisation) in Singapore; Chartered Engineer (UK), Senior members of IEEE USA.